Saturday, October 15, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 1

OK, so I decided to bite the button, err, I mean bullet, and go for it and do the creative challenge the same night that I wrote my last post.  I guess you could say that I was inspired by being inspired?  Yeah, I don't think that makes sense, but that's me in a basket.  Anyway...right away I thought of this big book of graphic prints that my sister (the "artist" in the family) (love you sissy!) had given to me years ago.

I picked out a print and cut out the design with scissors

I wanted it to have a sturdy background so I cut up a cookie box (love recycling) and using my xacto knife, I made a backing for my design 

Thank you Animal Crackers

I glued the print to the background and picked out three carved buttons from my stash for the center of my flowers 

I used an ice pick to poke holes for attaching the buttons to their card

Here it is all laid out and ready to attach.  I haven't decided if I want to use fine wire or thread/twine


Yes, I know it' not COMPLETELY FINISHED, but it will be, I promise, by tomorrow's post.  Stop looking at me like that!  =)~

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