Friday, November 18, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 9

I found these magnetic letters at a Thrift Store, but didn't like the primary colors

I painted them with Sharpie Paint pens, it took about 5 coats to cover the red one!  

Love the outcome!  Joy, joy, joy!  EnJoy your weekend friends!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 8

Wow, so much time has passed since I've posted something new. Tsk, tsk on me.  But it doesn't take very long before I'm bitten by the bug to create something... anything.  I did this assemblage tonight.  I started it yesterday and I finished it tonight.  I like it.  First I secured an old set of tongs into a ceramic insulator, then added the turkey feather, decorative hook and finally the skeleton key. It makes me smile.  

Sadly, the key I had to use is new, I don't have any old ones, so this will be replaced with an antique key just as soon as I get my hands on one. 

The antique hook has been moving around with me since I was a kid, and the Turkey feather was a gift left from that gang of turkeys I wrote about last month.  Love those guys!

Some of my favorites on Etsy...

Reclaimed art assemblage found objects Salvage art flowers
Reclaimed Art Assemblage Flowers

Overload - A Landrover

Nuts and Bolts ANIMALS Assemblage Donkey and COW
Nuts and Bolts Animals

Winter Bird's Nest Assemblage
Winter Bird's Nest

Sailboat Junk art Ship assemblage "Up in the Crows Nest"
Up in the Crows Nest

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 7

Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time. Your imagination, riding the bus, doodling, nature, poverty, need, to name a few.  I'm so grateful that I was raised by parents that read to me, sang me to sleep and didn't pressure me to be anything other than myself.  I think it allowed my mind and soul to develop in such a way that I let things be absorbed, no matter how odd they might seem to someone else.

It's totally normal for me to see something IN something else, that others might not see.  I have these tiles in my bathroom.  I love them.  I picked them out when we were building the addition to our house.  They're very amoeba-like.  I see something new in them every day.

Exposed varnished brick chimney in my house

Dried Sea Oats from my garden

Old Pottery Shard in Moss 

I love textures, patterns and combinations.  They inspire me.

I've been crocheting this green string on and off for a couple of years now.  I'm not a great crocheter.  My grandmother, mother and sister all took a turn, at one time or another, trying to teach me to crochet when I was young, but I couldn't catch on.  Then one day at work I asked a co-worker (who was happily crocheting away at lunch time) to teach  me.  We got a little workshop together and about four of us learned how to crochet together.  I've been hooked ever since!  I certainly do love to do it!  I've made some scarves for myself and my kids, but for some reason I just really love to crochet this damn green string! And I'm not interested in turning it into anything other than roping.  I've made yards and yards of it!  Weird, I know.

I just love it wrapped around these old spools!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 6

Last week I was in the painting mood, but didn't have any new canvases. I did however have some old canvases of horrific paintings I'd done over the years.  The kind that you do when you're going through something and you just paint to "get it out".  I decided to paint over one of them.  As you'll see, I'm no artist.  I simply paint because it makes my heart sing.  I feel content, joyful and free

Stormy Window

In the background you can see some of the orange paint from the original painting, which I like.  I love textures, patterns, mixing things up

Apparently I also paint with my tongue hanging out of my mouth!  My husband poked his nose into the room and said "whats with the tongue?"  At first I was mortified, but then I thought..."well that's just more proof that you're doing something that you love".  Have you ever watched kids when they're REALLY into something?!  

And one final note.  I'm pained to announce (and it was painful to realize) that I can't produce something creative everyday.  It sucks, it really, really does, but that's my reality right now.  I don't like it, I really hate it, but life is just not cooperating with me. altered guideline for myself for this challenge is that I WILL do 30 days of creativity, they just won't be consecutive

Friday, October 21, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 5

Happy Friday everyone!  

Tonight I decided to play around and experiment with making handmade tags using stamps and decorative tape.  The stamps, ink, tags and string/raffia were all purchased at thrift stores.  You can find Pretty Tape here 

I think this tag looks great, but would look better if I extended the tape all the way to the ends

Tag #2 feels like it needs a bit more of something

This is cool, but one strip is cut straight and the other diagonal, I would like it better if they were both straight, and possibly going to the end of the tag as well

I really like how this one turned out!!

So you experiment and you learn, feeding the soul along the way  =)


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 4

I'm finding out very quickly that my energy levels need re-charged after work every day, before I can tap into my creative side.  I took a nice nap, packed up a shipment and looked around at my stuff.  There was something that caught my eye.

I spied a Trouble Light cage.  It was in my Etsy shop for awhile, but it didn't sell.  I had a thought...  
I love nests.  Always have.  So I mixed some cool nesting materials together added an old ceramic bird, and tied the cage up with raffia. I like it!

Happy Wednesday!  We're half-way there!! Yippeeeee

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 3

The curtain falls, the lights go on and you're suddenly blinded.  You blink your eyes until they adjust.  Then you stand up, stretch, and look around at the crowd.  Yep, it's intermission.  

For your viewing pleasure

Ok, yes I'm stalling.  Yes, I didn't do anything creative today.  Nooooo  I don't feel bad about it.  I can always make you laugh!


Mondays stink.  Onward.  See you tomorrow night!  =)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 2

Guru Ratings

Today was a busy day for me, but I did manage to whip something up.  What worries me is if today was a challenge, what will the work week bring.  After working at my day job for eight hours I'm usually mentally drained and just want to veg out - so it should be interesting to see what happens.  But, here's a thought...maybe it will energize me to sit down and mess around with my supplies and try to come up with something unique


Today I made a bookmark.  I know what you're thinking..."big deal, anyone can make a bookmark", but that's not true.  My sister and I used to volunteer - teaching a class at a local women's half-way house and it was called "Art Education".  We had a teeny tiny budget, practically nothing, so we had to get very creative with our supplies.  One day I taught the women to make a pin out of cardboard, magazine pictures and glue. You would have thought I'd handed them the moon.  That's the way it usually was working with these women. Some of them had nothing; and knew nothing about nurturing themselves through creativity. They were incredibly grateful, but they didn't have to tell us that, we could see it in their eyes.  Next to raising my kids, it was hands down the most fulfilling time in my life!

Written and Illustrated by Holling Clancy Holling

I picked a childrens book for my illustration. I pick these up at thrift stores because I love their colorful, quirky, uplifting illustrations.  And who in the world was it that decided that adults don't need their books illustrated too!  Maybe we'd all be happier if we had colorful and quirky pictures to look at as we read our books!  I'm just sayin' 

Holling Clancy Holling

So I picked out my illustration and cut it out with my xacto knife (my favorite tool).  Then I cut out my backing from the back cover of an old sketch book, and glued them to each other. NOTE TO SELF: don't trim the bookmark after it's been glued to the backing.  Some excess glue clogged my cut, which shredded the illustration along one side. =(  The back of the bookmark looked very bare, so I stamped a design onto it, but I don't like it so I'm not showing it to you =(

I punched out a hole and added a piece of brown ric rac trim.  I think it's beautiful!  Thank you  Holling Clancy Holling!


And I did promise to show you the completed Button Card.  I chose fine wire for attachment.

Have a great Monday, see you tomorrow night!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

30 Day Creativity Challenge: Day 1

OK, so I decided to bite the button, err, I mean bullet, and go for it and do the creative challenge the same night that I wrote my last post.  I guess you could say that I was inspired by being inspired?  Yeah, I don't think that makes sense, but that's me in a basket.  Anyway...right away I thought of this big book of graphic prints that my sister (the "artist" in the family) (love you sissy!) had given to me years ago.

I picked out a print and cut out the design with scissors

I wanted it to have a sturdy background so I cut up a cookie box (love recycling) and using my xacto knife, I made a backing for my design 

Thank you Animal Crackers

I glued the print to the background and picked out three carved buttons from my stash for the center of my flowers 

I used an ice pick to poke holes for attaching the buttons to their card

Here it is all laid out and ready to attach.  I haven't decided if I want to use fine wire or thread/twine


Yes, I know it' not COMPLETELY FINISHED, but it will be, I promise, by tomorrow's post.  Stop looking at me like that!  =)~